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  • 美国国旗飘扬
国际学生 服务


» Getting a 社会安全号码

What is a 社会安全号码?

  • A Social Security number (SSN) is a unique identification number assigned for life. This number will never change, and is tied to a single person's identity. 
  • An SSN is used to report wages to the U.S. 政府. 每个在美国工作的人.S., even non-immigrants, are required to have a Social Security number.
  • A Social Security number is 不 a work permit.

Who needs a 社会安全号码?

Only those with approved work authorization and employment offers for paid positions will be approved for an SSN. 班.S. 公民将 be granted an SSN without work authorization. 

If you meet this qualification, you may 申请 Social Security number and card with the approval and assistance of ISS.

A Social Security number is 不 required for other purposes, such as:

  • 在银行开户
  • Renting an apartment off campus
  • 拿驾照

To establish your identity with these institutions, you may provide alternate evidence of your identity and records of your financial transactions.

Nearby Social Security 从ices

900 S. 港大街.

1851 E. 第一个圣.,套房500



国际学生 服务 provides general guidance. Any advice provided to you by the ISS should 不 be construed as legal advice.

另外, due to the fluid nature of 政府al interpretation, 政府 agencies such as USCIS/ICE/CBP may change their interpretation of immigration laws/regulations and eligibility requirements for benefits at any time. We will do our best to provide the most current guidance.

Each case is fact-specific and it is advised that you contact an experienced immigration attorney if you have questions regarding your situation.



访问 our contact page to email us, call us or make an appointment with a team member.